Sunday, December 5, 2010

O Christmas Tree!

After our fun-filled weekend in Idaho, we started off the new week with a bang -- literally. I left for work around 8:30. At 11:30, I pulled into the parking lot.

Yes, I got a flat tire on the way, and Andrew had to race back from his way to work (in the other direction) to help me. The tire was smoking and completely shredded, then the spare was flat and the tire store didn't have the right tire. We finally got the car to Les Schwab and blew through $75 for a new tire. Gah. Cars.

But in happier news, we bought a tree and decorated it! It's so pretty and really brightens up our entire apartment. Our first Christmas together will be lovely. We've already hung our stockings and BRIGHT Christmas lights in the window (Andrew jokes that they light up the entire courtyard). And we bought a cheap advent calendar to mark off the days until Christmas with metallic chocolates. Yum.

Andrew and I have a few parties and concerts planned for December, so stay tuned for more fun to come! :) Happy December!

1 comment:

  1. Way cute tree! Glad you've got things decorated so cutely (that's probably not a word, but let's pretent it is)!


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