Thursday, March 31, 2011

Greener grasses

I finally got the call I've been awaiting for months today. I got a job at CompHealth, and I couldn't be more excited! I'll be writing feature stories about employees and helping get the word out about company events, something that's right up my alley. It's been awhile since I've actually been able to use my journalism skills, and I am absolutely thrilled to be writing about PEOPLE again instead of products.

The women I'll be working with were equally excited to talk to me and couldn't wait for me to start! I'd forgotten what it was like to have your boss be happy to have you come to work, too. It has really been a long time, and I hadn't realized how depressed I was until I got a phone call from two ecstatic women who told me how impressed they are with my writing. I am a good writer! I have talent! Yeah! :)

What a wonderful feeling getting a new job is! I'm hoping to have pictures of my happiness soon (with Andrew, of course).


Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts! I love reading them.