Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Writing Wednesday: Literally the most annoying word in the world

Every time I see or hear someone use the word literally incorrectly, I cringe a little inside. If you are using the word literally to describe something that did not or could not, in fact, happen, stop doing it.

Here are some ridiculous examples of using the word literally the wrong way:
  • I literally had a heart attack when I saw John coming down the street. (Really? Your heart actually stopped beating and had to be jump-started?)
  • I literally died laughing at school today. (So you're back from the dead?)
  • That was literally the funniest thing I've ever seen. (And you've lived how long?)
So. Don't use the word literally unless you really mean it; sprinkling it into every casual sentence like salt only weakens the word and irritates people listening to you talk. Of course, mental pictures like the one above that result from misuse of the word literally are always entertaining. :)

Does literally bother you? Have you found yourself overusing it?


  1. My pet peeves are "really?" or "seriously?"

    "My bad," is the most annoying phrase of all.

    1. Agreed, Susie. I'm really not sure where "my bad" comes from. I also hate the phrase "whatnot." What does that even mean?

    2. I think "my bad" came from a 1990s movie. Move on, people!!!

  2. I never really thought about how overused are some of the words. The story should be giving enough information without backing it up with them. x

  3. I think the word literally has changed in meaning. Of course, there's the ... literal meaning... (Couldn't resist.) But I think its connotation in spoken language most people use it differently. I think I embrace changes in the vernacular.

    7% Solution​

  4. I hate this too. Whenever I hear it I literally barf. (Okay, maybe not.) I think people who overuse it need to expand their vocabulary a little so they can say what they actually mean.

    1. Exactly, Jenny. People just need to figure out a different word to use. It's like the word "random." I really wish people could find another word to replace that.

  5. I know what you mean. Although I find myself guilty of using it when I am around my girlfriends!! Seriously is my pet peeve!!

  6. one of my biggest pet peeves!! literally. ;)


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